Sunday, February 5, 2012

Re-Purpose Project: Hair Clip Display Board

I have been on a mission the last few months to see what I can re-purpose around my house instead of buying new (even scrounging around my craft room before going to buy new supplies for a project). My latest project was making my daughter a hair clip display board. I forget what color bows & flowers I have if they're stuffed in a drawer, not to mention the fact that they end up all over the house from wherever she got undressed. Here's what I used:

An old 12x12 photo display board (padded) I no longer used

A remnant of fabric from decorating my daughter's nursery, leftover ribbon from some previous sewing project, & my hot glue gun

First, I ironed the fabric super smooth. Then I removed the brown ribbon and decorative push-pins from the old board. I took my hot glue gun and glued the new fabric right over the old fabric... I glued the fabric on the sides and back to keep it secure, so the glue doesn't show on the front (see the previous fabric still showing?)

Then I cut three ribbons: one I glued in the center, then one on either side.

Finished board: 

I love it!!!

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