Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Back in the Saddle...

I think I finally am going to be able to get back into the blogging saddle... I started the year of 2011 with the grand plan of intentionally blogging for one hour everyday, along with scheduling the other priorities I needed to tackle each day. I thought I started small (what's one hour, right?). On my list of other things were important things like:
-  adjusting our monthly budget (we revise it twice a year or so)
- meal planning, two weeks at a time
- freezer-cooking more foods (to put in my new freezer)
- reconnecting with a few friends on a regular basis via Skype or phone
- occasionally doing sewing projects (I love sewing)
- reading a book for fun

I have had to let go of some of those plans. Between family health issues, weather, new stages in life, church things, etc... The last eight weeks have flown by, with not as much done as I wish... Or atleast I feel that way. I'm sure many of you can relate! Diapers have been changes, food has been cooked, the house has been cleaned (sometimes), and some of those projects have happened, but not in my timing. My heart has been anxious, my mind has been fretting.

God showed me a few weeks ago something I have been missing: time with Him. My relationship with the Lord is the only thing that can keep me calm in the midst of life's storms. And I've been putting other things before Him. Like my family, my home, my physical image (my body refuses to go back to pre-maternity weight/look :-p)... all good things, but not if I'm focused on those solely.

So as I life starts to settle back down (hopefully!), and as I learn to shift around my priorities and expectations, I look forward to blogging again, but not at the expense of my health, my son/husband, and especially my daily time with my God!

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