Swagbucks offers people a variety of ways to earn "Swagbucks", which can then be redeemed for things like giftcards or other merchandise. It's completely free to join, and you will be started off with 30 free Swagbucks. How can you earn more Swagbucks? Make Swagbucks your home page, and earn Swagbucks in some of the following ways...
- Sign Up or Login
- Use the Swagbucks search engine for your daily online searches (Swagbucks are awarded randomly)
- Participate in polls or surveys
- Print and use coupons
- Invite friends to get extra Swagbucks*
A $5 Amazon card is only 450 Swagbucks. They start to add up quickly!
* The above contains my friend referral link. I appreciate the referrals as I continue to seek creative ways to earn a little money as a Stay-At-Home-Mom, but please know that if you feel uncomfortable with it, you can just go directly to Swagbucks.com yourself to sign-up!
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